Legal Challenges You Can Face When Addressing a Pickup Truck-Pedestrian Accident – Automotive Blog

Automotive News

Pickup truck accidents involving pedestrians are especially concerning because the potential for serious injuries is very high. Statistics from Statista reveal a troubling trend: the number of fatal light truck crashes reached a record high in 2020, with over 20,500 deaths. This marks a 3{aa25fa8b82bb550df44f4514fef8e475020994699e2c082d49d75b275e30

Was Tesla expected to build a plant in Malaysia, or did our propositioning fall to the wayside? – Auto News

Automotive News

On August 6th, Thai newspaper The Nation had published a report stating Tesla had dropped plans to invest in manufacturing facilities across Southeast Asia, including in Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, stirring considerable debate online. Many in the local sphere were quick to point out that Tesla had never explicitly announced any intention to

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