Portago just made my day, he told the story of the waning days of the Bugatti company, how Ettore fought and regained the factory, and then what…

Classic & Vintage

fascinating that the company, with Ettore dead, only had once chance due to the limits of their available resources, and made the above Bugatti type 101. Sadly, it was identical to the Jaguars and Aston Martin (db2 below) and didn't get anyones interest. From the heights of fame to mediocrity, the Bugatti company had flopped.for the complete range

Univ. of Illinois team develops high-power Li-ion microbatteries that can out-power supercapacitors while retaining comparable energy density

Green & Electric

Ragone plot showing the performance of the new microbattery cells (A-H) and conventional power technologies. The energy and power density of our microbattery cells (A–H) at low to high C rates, along with previous microbattery cells having 3D electrodes (MB1 through MB3). The plot also includes the performance range of conventional power technolog

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